Sunday, September 13, 2009

DV Lottery Application

DV lottery application is the initial step that helps you to win a green card to the US under the Diversity Visa program. The DV lottery application is purely online or in other words it is completely electronic which is available only with the official web site of the US department of State. The guidelines for the DV lottery application are simple but very stringent.

You have to prepare and submit a DV lottery application form for yourself that can also be filed through private services for a certain fee or through an attorney. Only one DV lottery form is allowed per person and the form must be furnished with all the mandatory details without fail.

The DV lottery application form starts with the personal particulars namely the:
- Full name (surname or family name or last name, first name and middle name )
- Date of birth (DD:MM:YYYY)
- Gender (Male or Female)
- City or Town of Birth
- Country of Birth
- Country of chargeability
(Some times there is a difference between the country of chargeability and the country of birth when you prefer to apply through your spouse’ place of birth or your parents’ nativity)
- Your recent photograph (adhering to the standards laid by the USCIS)
- Complete mailing address in the following format:
Name, in care of, address line 1, address line 2, city/ town, district, province, state, zip code and country.
- Present country of residence
- Phone number (optional)
- E mail address (optional)
- Highest level of education (it has 10 categories from which you must choose only one namely primary school, high school no degree, high school degree, vocational school, some university courses, university degree, some graduate level courses, master degree, some doctorate level courses, and doctorate degree)
- Marital status specifying whether your are single or married or divorced or widowed or legally separated
- Number of children lesser than 21 years of age and unmarried
- Spouse’ information
Name, date of birth, gender, city/town of birth, country of birth and photograph (same standards)
- Children information with the details of name, date of birth, gender, city/ town of birth, country of birth, photographs

You must furnish a separate photograph for each applicant which must be the most recent one. The DV lottery application can be submitted from US or from abroad depending on your comfort.

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